Monday, February 22, 2010

Maintenance Monday

I'm into semantics.  "Cleaning" makes me feel like I have to start from scratch and frankly, that's just too daunting on a Monday.  So, I've decided that I prefer "maintain".  Indicating that it's been DONE it just needs a little tweaking. 
I worked all weekend, and DH had a photo shoot last night (two models, make up artist, two assistants in my kitchen) - so let's just say it's gonna take some tweaking as opposed to tweaking, but it's still more achievable than that awful word "cleaning".

Bedtime Routines

Every night we sing to the "babies".  We sing the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle.  Which I'll have you know is the SAME tune!  Who knew?  Sadly, I did not know until my 40th year.  Almost embarrassing to admit.
Tonight, I stepped outside the box and included Deep and Wide and I Will Make You Fishers of Men.  We have a kids CD by Arlen Salte from one of the Breakforth conferences I went to and he does a fun version of both of those songs together - a "mash-up" if you will.  Matthew just loved it and quickly started doing the movements to go with it.  I'd completely forgotten that they'd performed at a preschool concert.  Time to dig that old CD out and start playing it for these guys.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

4 kids + Saturday morning = Serenity


I'm sitting in my CLEAN (still) bedroom, listening to the mass chaos and contemplating a coffee.  Ooooh, I'm gonna try this and see how it goes...
"Hey Sarah, wanna bring mom a coffee?"
That's my girl.  She's doing it!  And she thinks it's a treat!  I'm torn between coughing *sucker* or just saying Thanks.  I suppose thanks will get me a second cup.

DD is still on a cooking kick.  She made pancakes again this a.m. for everyone.  Dad was particularly excited by this turn of events.  I am a lot of things, but a morning person ain't anywhere on that list - so he was thrilled to get a hot breakfast he didn't have to make himself.  I also, shhhh, don't tell anyone, HATE pancakes.  So, when I do make a hot breakfast it must consist of eggs, bacon, potatoes and bread.  Now THAT'S something to wake up for.

And now we've got the Glee soundtrack playing in the living room.  It's almost like organized chaos out there.  It's probably because I'm not there.  I seem to bring the cuckoo out in everyone.  Maybe I'll play my Journey cassette for them later today and they can hear how Don't Stop Believin' is really supposed to sound.  :P

Friday, February 19, 2010

Getting back into the swing of things

I did it.  I reduced my hours to part time!  The first of February was my first day of reduced hours.  What a difference it has already made!

I've reclaimed my home!
I've reclaimed my kids!
I'm reclaiming my marriage!

The older kids have the week off from school and it's been nice to spend some time with them.  Sarah made us pancakes this morning.  Josh is helping with heavy lifting/furniture moving and laundry.  Best thing I've ever done is take a few minutes to show him how to work the washer!  Sarah separates the colours and Josh does the wash.  Then Matthew brings up the baskets of dry clothes and Meghan helps me put them all away.  Almost like team work!

I spent the afternoon shoveling out my pathetic excuse for a Master Bedroom.  It's become a dumping ground - like so many master bedrooms I know.  It houses ridiculous amounts of unfolded/grown out of/out of season/unmatched clothing - so I took the time to deal with it.  Once and for all.  I also moved all of the toys/books/lego that seem to migrate into our space.  Then I moved onto the master bath.  It needed a SERIOUS cleaning.  I'm talking toothbrush in the nooks and crannies kinda SERIOUS.  But, it looks great now and it smells great and I'm tellin' ya....*I WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN*  Especially since I know that it takes a whopping 15 minutes, at the most, to straighten both rooms.

You know what else I did.  I actually stamped a card!  I actually felt like I could stamp a card.  Usually I'm so overwhelmed and undermotivated that I don't feel like I have the right to sit down and do something I enjoy.

It's going to take a while for me to get everything back under control.  I haven't even tackled the basement yet - but it's getting there.  And tomorrow is another day.  A little maintenance and a little motivation is all I need.